Friday, October 9, 2009

And the Nobel Prize for Really Really Wanting Peace And Talking About It A Whole Heck Of A Lot Goes To...

Oh for chrissake.... really? SheeeEEEeeit.

Updated to add this: Apparently you can win the Nobel Peace Prize by talking about peace while fighting two wars. That's like winning the Nobel for Medicine while dumping anthrax into the ventilation system at an orphanage.


B said...

The sad part is that in the future, someone who is most deserving will get it, and now it won't mean jack shit.

deeds, not words, mean something. But here we do not have that.

Methinks he should have gracefully declined the honor.

Atom Smasher said...

First Gore, now Obama. Do the Nobel idiots know how much their degraded offerings make most people just laugh?

Atom Smasher said...

And as much as I dislike Obi-more Spendobi's presidency, it ain't his fault that some Eurotrash slicked-hair yaboes want to smoke his pole.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, the Nobel Prize for literature has been going to leftists for quite a while now. Why is this news?

I don't know. The Nobel Prize for the hard sciences may still be worth something...

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